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Be a Voice not an Echo


In April 2011 I was honored and blessed in sharing part of a Bible teaching with one of our house churches in Germany. The teaching is on being a VOICE for God and not just an ECHO of another man’s teachings. This study will try to recreate that teaching and add to it the fullness of my heart on the topic of “Fearing God”. It has long been an observation that there are some key elements missing within the Body of Christ. One element missing is “Biblical Church Discipline”. Another element is “The Fear of God”. Both of these are tied to other areas of the Christian walk, such as loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and walking a life of holiness. So I hope to address all of these in this study. 

Many believers would say that they love God and fear God and have a holy life-style. But how do I measure this and how can I be sure that I am not doing what is right in my own eyes. Before starting about the fear of God and walking in holiness I want to address some other topics. One topic discussed will be the need for believers to “GROW UP” in the Lord and the next are things that we are commanded “not to fear”. If we walk in fear in any of these areas then we need to re-examine our spiritual walk before God and man.

Submitted By:
Darfes (TheLord)
Submitted On:
01 Feb 2012
File Size:
405.77 Kb
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File Author:
Charles Morris
Submitted On:
01 Feb 2012